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Why Karma NOT the Law of Attraction is your best friend, no really!

OK, everywhere you look these days people are making a big, hairy deal out of the Law of Attraction. Everybody has a book, a DVD or a course to teach you how to “harness” your ability to manifest what you want in life and all of that is fine; as far as it goes, the issue is that for a lot of folks it doesn’t go far enough.

Not far enough to experience all of the fantastic promises made in these; perhaps well-meaning, but in most cases ineffectual instructions.

Most people are familiar with the hit movie “The Secret” and the backlash of disappointed followers who were left wondering why this supposedly automatic Universal Law doesn’t seem to be working as advertised; perhaps this even describes your experience with Law of Attraction work.

It’s OK, take a breath and relax you’re NOT doing anything ‘wrong’.

The Law of Attraction is present and working properly in yours and everyone else’s lives.

Oh, now I’ve stepped in it. I can hear the outcry now.

“If the Law of Attraction is working for me than why haven’t I gotten this thing or that thing or met the person of my dreams?”

Well, that’s because the Secret and a lot of other LoA programs out there are incomplete for various reasons that we won’t delve into here; let’s just accept for the sake of argument that most of these products are missing certain vital components that; once understood, enable the student (you) to experience all of the manifestations promised.

Let’s go ahead and delve into what is and what isn’t working in our current LoA processes.

First things first; the Law of Attraction is working now perfectly and completely, as it has always been. The issue is that it doesn’t actually function in the way most people think that it does. Processes and programs rooted in an incomplete understanding of the LoA equal sketchy results.

LoA is at its essence the twin sibling of Gravity. Let that sink in for a minute. LoA functions in much the same way as the Law of Gravity. If you drop something off the top of a cliff, it’s going to plummet to the ground below, every time, without exception.

Pretty obvious, right?

Is Gravity ever going to stop pulling objects to the ground to inquire; “Did you really mean to throw your spouse off that cliff?” or “Did you remember to pack your parachute before jumping out of the aircraft?”

No, gravity is going to accelerate any object within its sphere of influence to the ground, every time without fail.

How does this apply to the LoA?

Law of Attraction works in exactly the same way; like attracts like, every time without fail, under all circumstances.

Sorry to be the bearer of bubble bursting news but there’s no way around this one just as there’s no reprieve from gravity; just ask any Beverly Hills plastic surgeon…

Law of Attraction is impersonal; it cannot be persuaded, bribed or cajoled and it will never, EVER ask if you ‘really meant’ to attract that thing or circumstance that you are experiencing, it simply can’t relate to you in that way, it is an impersonal Universal Law, devoid of moral discernment. All that LoA can ever do is match a vibration to a matching vibration; the end, no exceptions, not ever. Not for you, not for me, not for the Queen of E.

If you really want a Universal ally, if you want personalized manifestations designed just to please the one & only you; then you must acquaint yourself with the principle of Karma.

Notice that LoA is a Universal Law (impersonal) and Karma is actually a Principle (a dynamic function of Consciousness); this is a crucial distinction for taking your manifestations from ‘hit-or-miss’ to laser accuracy and speed.

Karma has gotten a bad rap here in the western hemisphere because it’s widely misunderstood. Most people equate Karma to cause-&-effect, action-&reaction; this is about as accurate as demonstrating gravity by rolling a pea down a hill.

Rolling a pea down a hill does demonstrate the most basic level of the law of gravity but it will never get a plane off the ground.

It is; as they say, just the tip of the iceberg and if you stop there you will never grasp the scope, elegance and complexity of the concept.

Karma is the great organizer, the Universal Ring Master and Your ever present, ever faithful friend.

And Karma only, ever has one question for you.

Are you ready?

The question is: Are You Ready?

Are you ready to make a change; are you ready to try something new?

Are you ready to change your habits, Are You Ready?

This is the question that expands consciousness therefore this is the only question the Universe (Divine, God/Goddess, Source) is ever asking.

You are equipped with Free Will, you have the power to choose, the power to say yes or no.

The Universe awaits your decision, your expression of Free Will. Nothing can happen; nothing can change until you exert your Free Will and answer the call. Depending on your answer the Universe delivers the matching circumstances to your choice.

Think about that for a minute. Perhaps ask yourself what it means to say yes to change.

If I say yes to change then I might have to do some things, I might have to depart from my usual routine. I might have to admit some hard truths about my relationships. I might have to change my habits. I might have to start over at an age I thought my life would be settled.

But I might be saying yes to the adventure of a lifetime.

I might be saying yes to meeting the love of my life.

I might be saying yes to finally expressing my artistic vision and then people might (let’s face it, they will) have opinions about that expression.

Now consider what saying No to change means. It means staying stuck wherever I am at this moment. It means fighting the entire weight of the Universe as it drags you forward even as you resist change. ( I know the most common New Year’s resolution is to ‘lose weight’ but no matter what the digits are on the scale you can’t hope to outweigh the whole Universe…)

Saying No to Karma’s invitation means signing up to take another spin on the karmic merry-go-round. Ever know anyone who is always having the “same relationship” over and over again with new partners, I believe it’s called serial monogamy… is that person you? –or the person who is divorced 3 or 4 times from essentially the same guy because “everyone she meets turns out to be…”

There is an invitation in our present circumstances to grow, and yes, to change because growth is the essential nature of life without growth there is atrophy. Movement is required in one direction or another, standing still; i.e. maintaining the status quo, is not an option in an ever unfolding Universe.

Consider meeting Karma in the field of infinite possibilities, instead of being dragged there ready for a fight you can’t win; perhaps you’re keeping an appointment with the best co-manifestor in the Universe to answer the question ‘what’s next’…? And to plot the adventure of seven lifetimes!

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